Concerned your spouse won't join you for the training? Don't you even worry about it! This training will still help YOU gain clarity on what may be going on in your marriage, along with simple steps YOU can make to possibly shift the dynamics in your relationship.
Check out what others are saying about this training!
"Awesome Content! Thank you for sharing"! - TK from Atlanta
"This conversation has been incredible! I'm hopeful and feel more prepared with the tools necessary to stay/get out of the roommate zone." - Kia from Long Island
"I really enjoyed this seminar. We've been married for 28 years and have been living in the roommate zone for about 7 years. I plan to put this in action to restart our marriage." - Anonymous
Robin May is a licensed therapist and a certified life coach who admits that she may be "low-key" obsessed with helping couples navigate the terrains of marriage. Robin truly believes there are critical principles and simple strategies that couples can incorporate that can SHIFT their relationship - - - they simply need to know what those tips are and how to customize them to their romance!
Robin May Founder of the "I Believe in Marriage" Network
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